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Kathleen's Website
Brian's Website


Here you can find links to several series of pictures from the travels of Kathleen and Brian. They've culled together some of their favorite sets for you to peruse. Click a picture to go to a page with more pictures.

Thanksgiving 2002
Kathleen's page from the Holidays in 2002. Thanksgiving that year was the first time Brian visited Kathleen and her parents at their home near Pittsburgh.
Thanksgiving 2002 Pictures

Kathleen was in Baltimore until graduating from Johns Hopkins in May 2003. Brian visited her several times there, and got these pictures in April of 2003.
Baltimore Tulip Garden

Kathleen and Brian visited Chicago and met up with several of Brian's college friends and his sister Julia.
The City of Big Shoulders

Kathleen moved to Delaware over the summer of 2003, and Brian first visited her haunts in September of that year.
Kathleen moves to Delaware

Kathleen's First Bridal Shower
Lisa threw Kathleen a Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Tea Party in Baltimore.
Kathleen at her Tea Party

Hermann, MO
Soon after Brian and his brother John moved into a new apartment in Kansas City, they, along with their parents and Kathleen visited Missouri's wine Mecca, Hermann. Scroll down the page a bit to get to the vino.
Hermann, MO

Thanksgiving 2003
Brian spent Thanksgiving 2003 in Pittsburgh with Kathleen and her family. Much turkey was inhaled.
Thanksgiving 2003

Christmas 2003
Kathleen spent the time just before Christmas 2003 with Brian and his family.
Christmas 2003

Las Vegas
In January of 2004, Kathleen took a "research" trip to Las Vegas, and Brian tagged along, for fun.
Las Vegas

Christmas 2004
Brian spent Christmas 2004 with Kathleen and her family near Pittsburgh.
Christmas 2004