I spent Christmas Eve through a bit after New Year's with the Kvorteks in Pittsburgh. Kathleen and I finished up our registry and a few other wedding things, but mostly enjoyed the downtime together. Elimidate and Cheaters are surprisingly addictive in that whole train wreck watching way..
We took an opportunity early on to get a family photo.
Kathleen got a garment bag for Christmas, and she was quite excited.
Mr. Kvortek was looking through his loot.
For New Year's the four of us headed to a nearby hotel for dinner and dancing. We got all schnazzed up, so Mrs. Kvortek took the chance to get a picture of Kathleen and me.
I took advantage of my unemployed state this holiday season and enjoyed a long stint of time off. Hopefully, though, I'll find some steady income soon, and I'll have to take vacation for such trips. I had a wonderful Christmas and am looking forward to being married at next year's. :)