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Old Stuff

What Brian used to say..

15:00 CDT Saturday 10/22/2005

I Fear to post, because I may jinx it, but I am in the midst of gathering together the pictures and thoughts of this past summer. There are six sets, that I have yet to trim down just yet. We've got a lot of keepers though.

Oh, and sorry about the lack of September here on the Org. Some things just have to take priority..

14:34 CST Sunday 10/30/2005

I've gotten a few of the picture sets ready for your perusing, finally. First up, all the way back in June, Kathleen moved to the beautiful Chicagoland area. The very next weekend, we headed downtown, went to Millennium Park, and met up with John and Todd at the Hop Leaf. I can't say enough good things about that place. A few weeks after that, our good friends Liz and Eric got married. The weekend after that (we're in July now..), my cousin Clare married her long-time boyfriend, Bill. Lots of fun stuff. I'm glad it's finally all up.

There are still two sets that I have yet to finish up. I've got pictures from the days just before our wedding, with all the prep and setup and rigamarole. I've also got a batch coming at you from our honeymoon. I promise plenty of funny and/or beautiful shots.

Kathleen, Keith and I saw Guster last night. It was Keith's and my second time seeing them at the Riviera in Chicago. Apparently, the Gusters have finished up recording/mixing/yadda their new album, so they thought a short tour for the hardcore fans was in order. Afterwards, they're getting back to work to get the album out by early next year, hopefully. Anyway, the show was fantastic, with plenty of rarely-heard and new songs. They played four new songs, to the best of my memory, but I only caught names on two of them: Satellite and The Beginning of the End. Neither of them did much for me, but we'll see how they do on a second listen. For rarities, the guys played both Two Points for Honesty and Two at a Time (the hidden track from Keep it Together). Both impressed very much. They started with Demons, which I thought was a bit of a limp start, and stayed mellow up to their fourth song, the recent fan-favorite, Come Downstairs and Say Hello. Happier and The Airport Song were on the playlist. This crowd was definitely into the rituals/traditions (ping-pong, "Oh so dirty", "4-3-2-1"), which was a lot of fun. It was also one of the first Guster shows I've been to where I didn't feel old. It looks like the band's energy is still going strong, so I'm expecting good things from the new album.

Despite recent history, gas for $2.35 per gallon is still actually an utterly horrible price.

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