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Old Stuff

What Brian used to say..

12:09 CST Thursday 04/01/2004

Happy April Fools'! I was hoping my day would be an April Fool, but instead, I got up at 5:30am and grudgingly made my way to work. Ugh.. Hopefully this won't last too long.

I have recommenced working on the St. Pat's pictures after a long weekend off. More on that later, hopefully.

17:49 CST Saturday 04/03/2004

At long last and with many delays, I've finished the St. Patrick's Day pictures from almost a month ago. I'm getting soft, obviously. Enjoy!

Working 12 hour shifts is not fun. I don't recommend it.

10:13 CDT Tuesday 04/13/2004

Well, it finally happened. A little while ago actually. But now enough time has passed for me to mention it here. The Olsson's had their baby, a boy named Kephas Anthony. The father has put up all the usual information about the new kid at his website.

In entirely unrelated and not quite as earth-shattering, I got a new cell phone. It's a Sanyo 7300, and it looks much cooler than it looks on the website. Or maybe I just like gadgets and whatnot a bit too much. :) Along those lines, a friend of John's from KCGeek who has moved onto greener pastures (New York) is the main editor on a good gadget website that seems to be making it big, Gizmodo. It's a fun site that mostly links to gadget rumors, but they're fun rumors. Go Joel!

Falling into the whole 12.5-hour shift thing. Still not a fan, but at least I'm getting used to waking up early. I really can't stay up past midnight anymore, and I'm usually up and about by 8. Is this the same Brian you thought you knew? I don't know.. We'll see. Still on the job hunt, though (for any random readers that are hiring between northern Virginia and New Jersey).

Pax ex.

11:59 CDT Sunday 04/18/2004

John is off to Philadelphia today with that new job of his. Wow, it'd be swell to have a job that took me by Philly every now and then.. Anyway, hopefully his travels will be safe.

Also, on the John front, he has added a new feature to his website: The Draught of the Week. He samples a new draught beer every week (or so), and writes about the experience, illustrating with photos as appropriate. I have partaken in one of two so far, and I look forward to more. Read all about it.

The score in the job hunt is Brian: 0, corporate America: 2. Fortunately, I only need one point to win.

17:05 CDT Friday 04/30/2004

I'm breaking the silence! I went to Delaware/Maryland/etc. last weekend to visit Kathleen, and by lucky chance it was the weekend of Kephas Olsson's baptism, so the two of us managed to make it in time for the post-sacramental shin-dig. A few pictures forthcoming..

The latest news though is that I found out Great Big Sea will be in town, get this, on Wednesday. And best of all, they're playing at a tiny little dive called Davey's Uptown that's about a block from the where John and I used to live at the Bellerive. Seriously, this venue isn't much bigger than our apartment, except with higher ceilings. So, John and I will see them in an incredibly tiny place, and there will be beer. Anything else needed? Maybe no work the next day.. I just bought $10 tickets on TicketSlave for $14.50 each. I work on both Wednesday and Thursday, but I've made an executive decision to be sleep-deprived and perhaps slightly hung-over at work on Thursday. There are more important things to consider. Hmm. I may have to pick up their latest disc..

Oh, and in case you were still interested, working 12-hour shifts still sucks.

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