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Old Stuff

What Brian used to say..

20:22 CDT 06/04/2003

Had a great weekend at home with the family and Kathleen. They got along quite well, as I guessed they would. With our similar senses of humor, I figured my family would put up with Kathleen just fine. :) We missed my grandmother, but caught a good chunk of the other Peoria-based family, along with some visitors from Chicago. The two of us, along with John who missed his train Sunday night, drove back to KC on Monday. Kathleen and I went out to Fiorella's, also known as the best food in the world, and enjoyed some magically delicious beer. Life is good. It'll be yet better once we can get past this whole distance thing..

I saw The Matrix Reloaded again yesterday with Kathleen, and have come to the firm conclusion that I need to see some other movies. :) (further rambling thereon) I love it, but Finding Nemo looks really good.

19:51 CDT 06/06/2003

Last night at work was crazy go nuts, but tonight is surprisingly dead. I've been doing a little scripting for both home and work. Did a couple tiny little updates on the page here.

John is off for the weekend, so I've got a fairly boring, but cheap weekend ahead of me. Maybe I'll go see a movie. Like I said previously, that might be Finding Nemo. I don't see much else out there right now that looks too interesting. Maybe The Hulk? Blah..

None too exciting, but anything seems dull after a weekend like last. :)

20:05 CDT 06/10/2003

I saw Finding Nemo this weekend. Yup, I was the scary old guy at the kids' movie matinee. I thought it was a pretty fun movie, and the graphic animation was pretty phenomenal, as expected. Now, what to see next... I've got another free weekend before excitement commences. The weekend of the 22nd, John and I head home to Peoria for our Aunt Jimmie's birthday. The following weekend is Kathleen's birthday, so I'll be out in Baltimore in case some festivities arise. :)

Oh, and another big day.. I've heard from reliable sources that June 27th is Green Underwear Day! So get ready to bust out the emerald-colored boxers, briefs, panties, longjohns, corsets and bras. You can rest assured on that day that you'll have a vague conception of the appearance of all sorts of other people's undergarments. Definitely a fun day, I would say!

Work is slow.. More time to be non-productive. Whee!

20:41 CDT 06/12/2003

Yesterday was the big Sprint barbecue cook-off, so a few coworkers and myself entered, and I took pictures. It was much fun, and my team won in the ribs category, thanks to chef extraordinaire, Wayne. Thanks to his culinary prowess, the whole bbq team got a day off. Bonus vacation! Woohoo! Always a plus.

Another laid back weekend coming up. It may be brewery tour time again, but I will have to check with the powers that be on that. Regardless, it'll be a good.

In case you missed it, Tim Wasson, of fame, was on the Screen Savers, and did a bang-up job. Leo seemed duly impressed, and even invited him back to check in on his next project. Congrats Tim!

Got your green undies yet?

02:21 CDT 06/18/2003

Disaster averted! Apparently someone found need or want to turn on a bunch of the sprinklers in our building yesterday. Fortunately, the sprinklers didn't come on in our apartment, but the nearby ones were quite wet, with the carpet very wet right outside our door. John got a moment to come up here and collect some things, and was told that power and water was being shut off indefinitely while they assess and repair the damage. Some neighbors on the other side of the building told John later that the problems were mostly confined to our side of the building. I came home after work to see if I could stay here or if I should go to the motel room John got for the night. Well, happily, we had power and water, so I am able to make this update to the old web log.

Happiness reigns. We're out the cost of the motel room, but it could be sooo much worse. Thank the Lord we have renter's insurance and didn't have to use it. :)

06:21 CDT 06/27/2003

Off to Baltimore! Whee! Happy Birthday Kathleen!

Oh, and Happy Green Underwear Day! 'Tis the day for the wearing o' the green, underneath.

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