Sound simple enough? More info..
Here is a program I worked on for my last programming class. It uses cell automata theory to make pweety pictoors. Punch a number between 0 and 255 into the little box. Some stink, some are cool. Fiddle with the options. It's fun! Hope your Java plug-in doesn't stink.
Some interesting numbers to put in are 18, 110, 193, 195 and my favorite, 120. Fiddle a bit. Enable and disable the random start, do a different number of start points. Experiment. I want to make a way so that you can create the first line a little more specifically.
Here is the problem I had: xterm doesn't run under Windows...
Here is the applet embedded.
Here is the source, and an HTML-ized version. I used a script I got here to generate the html from my java source. I then touched it up a little, but it's remarkably cruft-free! :)