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The South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade 2005

For the fourth year, we assembled an expedition to the South Side for their famous St. Patrick's Day parade. There was much green and corned beef around (but not together). Good times were had, and here is the chronicle for posterity. St. Pat's 2003 St. Pat's 2004

Our day got off to a rough start with Todd reporting that a cold that had been haunting him decided to rear its head again. We missed him, but still made ready for the trek.

I still got him to take a picture of us though. Ben and I were in the zone, but Brandy and Keith were distracted by something or other.

We hopped a cab this year, rather than take the CTA almost all the way down. The cab was more expensive, but split five ways, it didn't seem too bad. Also, it was gads easier. It was so quick that we couldn't finish our donuts in time. :( L to R we have Keith, Brandy, Jim and Ben.

Two fuzzies coming up. Only Jim is fuzzy in this one, but it illustrates the point. We were early enough to mass that we actually got a pew. Our hostess, Megan, assures us that getting a pew at this mass is next to impossible, and that in all her years, she's never gotten one. Score us! Woot.

One last fuzzy.. This at least gives you an idea of the bagpipe procession. It's quite sweet. No dancers this year, though.

After mass, we headed on over to the DeWitt house and began the revelry. Apparently the folks there didn't think we were wearing enough green (did they miss my green pants?), so they made us put on commemerative St. Patrick's Day vests.

Jim and Keith enjoyed some healthy debate over glasses of the DeWitt's homemade Irish cream. Delicious stuff..

Brandy stuck with fermented tasteless junk. Maybe someday she'll learn.

On to the parade proper. If you look closely, you can make out St. Patrick himself making an appearance. It was crowded.

And maybe you can catch some bagpipers here..

Back at the house, I got a picture of Ben, Megan and her boyfriend John.

Compare to last year's. Thanks again, Megan! We had a great time, as always!