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Old Stuff

My New Apartment

Here's the skinny on my new digs. Here are some early and some half set up pictures. Enjoy!

This picture shows about 90% of my personal belongings. Notice the bed on the side. I've also got my computers, and I picked up a couch in Peoria, but that's pretty much it. I still had to get a truck, though, because my little Saturn couldn't tow anything. So the truck was pretty much empty, but at least I made it, right?

The truck after I had started to unload at the new place. I tried to take some pictures at the old place in Kansas City, but it seemed like the camera batteries had had about enough.

A view from my patio into my living room

Deeper into the living room

From another angle

Here you can see the kitchen and the hallway to the bedroom and bathroom.

In the midst of unloading, I realized that it'd be easier to just toss stuff over the railing onto my patio rather than walk it through all the doors that liked to close on me as I try to make it though them carrying big heavy things. I think you see where I'm coming from on this one..

My living room, after setting it up a bit. Thanks to Ben and Todd. The computers are still in a state of flux. I've got to do some finagling to them both to have internet access with just one cable modem. They'll look nicer once I manage that.

Here you can see the nice ceiling fan over the dining room area and a bit of the kitchen and hallway. Quite a sight, eh?

My bathroom. Clean. For now.

Looking into my bedroom

Looking out of my bedroom

I like the new place, and it's pretty darn close to work and an easy train ride into town. Kansas City will be much missed. It was great living with John, and I miss him already. Thankfully, it's cheap and easy to visit, so I shall, and often, hopefully.