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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0
# Copyright (C) 2003 Brian M. Kelly
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# brinance - Perl UNIX command-line simple personal finance planner/tracker
#		tabstop = 3

use warnings;
use strict;

# Parse agruments, which in turn, call subroutines..
#	Accepted args:
#		b - show balance
#			$ brinance -b
#		B - future balance
#			$ brinance -B <12-digit date>
#		c - credit
#			$ brinance -c <amount> <comment>
#		C - future credit
#			$ brinance -C <12-digit date> <amount> <comment>
#		d - debit
#			$ brinance -d <amount> <comment>
#		D - future debit
#			$ brinance -D <12-digit date> <amount> <comment>
#		# - (as in, a number) all following arguments refer to this (numbered) account
#			$ brinance -2 <action>
#		n - get the name of the active account
#			$ brinance -4 -n
#		r - create a new account
#			$ brinance -C <description>
#		h - help
#			$ brinance -h
#		v - version
#			$ brinance -v

my $skipnext = 0;
my $current_acct = 0;
my $where = 0;
my $credit = 0; #Is the transaction a credit? Debit otherwise..

my $now = `date +%C%y%m%d%H%M`;
chomp $now;

# tougher than I thought to pick out a user's home dir..
my $account_dir = `echo \$HOME`;
chomp $account_dir;
$account_dir = $account_dir . "/src/mine/brinance/brinance-2/";

switch_acct (); # sets us up to use account0
update_future (); # sync with future transactions

if ( -1 == $#ARGV ) {
	print "Need arguments.\nUse --help for help\n\n";
	print "brinance is free software without ANY warranty\n" .
			"distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL 2.0\n";
	exit ();

# do it now!
main ();

sub main: process our arguments, and also drive execution
sub main {
foreach (@ARGV) {
	if ($skipnext) { $where++; $skipnext--; next; }

	elsif ($_ eq "-h" or $_ eq "--help") {
		usage ();
	elsif ($_ eq "-v" or $_ eq "--version") {
		version ();
	elsif ($_ eq "-n" or $_ eq "--name") {
		if (my $out = getName ())
			print "account$current_acct name: $out\n";
			print "No name for account$current_acct\n";
	elsif (/^\-[0-9]+$/) {
		$current_acct = -1 * $_; # effectively strips the '-', and gracefully sets invalid values to 0
		if (-1 == switch_acct ())
			print "ERROR: account$current_acct doesn't exist\ncreate first using -r\n";
			usage ();
		update_future ();
		print "Now working with account$current_acct\n";
	elsif ($_ eq "-b" or $_ eq "--balance") {
		print "Balance: " . sprintf ("%.2f", balance ()) . "\n";;
	elsif ($_ eq "-c" or $_ eq "--credit") {
		$credit = 1;
		my $out = trans ();
		my $bal = sprintf ("%.2f", balance ());

		if ( 0 == $out )
			print "Balance after credit: $bal\n";
			$skipnext = 2; # eat the next next two arguments
		elsif ( -1 == $out )
			print "ERROR: Too few arguments to trans()\n";
			usage ();
		elsif ( -2 == $out )
			print "Ignoring 0-value transaction: $ARGV[$where+2]\n";
			print "ERROR: unrecognized error in trans()\n";
	elsif ($_ eq "-d" or $_ eq "--debit") {
		$credit = 0;
		my $out = trans ();
		my $bal = sprintf ("%.2f", balance ());

		if (0 == $out)
			# successful
			print "Balance after debit: $bal\n";
			$skipnext = 2; # eat the next next two arguments
		elsif (-1 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Too few arguments to trans()\n";
			usage ();
		elsif (-2 == $out)
			print "Ignoring 0-value transaction: $ARGV[$where+2]\n";
			print "ERROR: unrecognized error in trans()\n";
	elsif ($_ eq "-r" or $_ eq "--create") {
		my $out = create ();

		if (1 == $out)
			print "account$ARGV[$where+2] created successfully\n";
			$skipnext = 2;
		elsif (0 == $out)
			print "ERROR: account$ARGV[$where+2] already exists\n";
		elsif (-1 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Too few arguments to create ()\n";
			usage ();
	elsif ($_ eq "-B" or $_ eq "--futurebalance") {
		my $out = futurebalance ();

		if (-1 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Too few arguments to futurebalance ()\n";
			usage ();
		elsif (0 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Unable to calculate future balance\n";
			$out = sprintf ("%.2f", $out);
			print "account$current_acct future balance: $out\n";
			$skipnext = 1;
	elsif ($_ eq "-C" or $_ eq "--futurecredit") {
		$credit = 1;
		my $out = futuretrans ();

		if (0 == $out)
			$skipnext = 3;
		elsif (-1 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Too few arguments to futuretrans ()\n";
			usage ();
		elsif (-2 == $out)
			print "Ignoring 0-value transaction: $ARGV[$where+3]\n";
		elsif (-3 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Must specify a *future* date in the format YYYYMMDDHHmm\n";
			print "It is now $now\n";
	elsif ($_ eq "-D" or $_ eq "--futuredebit") {
		$credit = 0;
		my $out = futuretrans ();

		if (0 == $out)
			$skipnext = 3;
		elsif (-1 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Too few arguments to futuretrans ()\n";
			usage ();
		elsif (-2 == $out)
			print "Ignoring 0-value transaction: $ARGV[$where+3]\n";
		elsif (-3 == $out)
			print "ERROR: Must specify a *future* date in the format YYYYMMDDHHmm\n";
			print "It is now $now\n";

	else {
		print "Unrecognized argument: $_\n";
		usage ();

} # END main ()

sub usage: shows how to invoke the command-line program
sub usage {
	my $exec = "brinance";

	print "Usage:\n
  \$ $exec <args>\n
  Accepted args:
     -b --balance -> show balance
        \$ $exec -b
     -B --futurebalance -> show future balance
        \$ $exec -B 200306271200
     -c --credit -> credit
        \$ $exec -c <amount> <comment>
     -C --futurecredit -> future credit
        \$ $exec -C 200306271200 <amount> <comment>
     -d --debit -> debit
        \$ $exec -d <amount> <comment>
     -D --futuredebit -> future debit
        \$ $exec -D 200306271200 <amount> <comment>
     -# -> (as in, a number) all following arguments refer to this account
        \$ $exec -2 <action>
     -n --name -> get the name of the active account
        \$ $exec -4 -n
     -r --create -> create a new account
        \$ $exec -r <account description> <account number>
     -h --help -> help
        \$ $exec -h
     -v --version -> version
        \$ $exec -v\n";

	exit (0);

sub version: prints current version of command line program
sub version {
	print "brinance version 2.4\n";

sub getName: returns the name of the current account, or undefined if there is no valid name
sub getName {
	open (ACCOUNT, ($account_dir . "account" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "account" . $current_acct;

	#only look for it on the first line
	my $top = <ACCOUNT>;
	my $title = undef;

	if ($top =~ "^#NAME: ")
		(undef, $title) = split(/: /, $top);
		chomp $title;

	close ACCOUNT;
	return $title;

sub balance: returns the balance of the current account
sub balance {
	open (ACCOUNT, ($account_dir . "account" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "account" . $current_acct;

	my $total = 0;

	for (<ACCOUNT>)
		if (/^#/) # doesn't affect calculation
			#commented line
			$total += $_;

	close ACCOUNT;
	return $total;

sub trans: applies a transaction to the current account, either credit or debit
  return values:
   0 - success
  -1 - too few arguments (needs two)
  -2 - zero value transaction, which could mean a non-number was specified as the transaction amount
sub trans {
	open (ACCOUNT, (">>$account_dir" . "account" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "account" . $current_acct;

	if ( ($where+2) > $#ARGV )
		return -1;

	if ($credit) # negate if it's a debit, which will also zero a non-number.. good..
		$ARGV[$where+1] = 1 * $ARGV[$where+1];
		$ARGV[$where+1] = -1 * $ARGV[$where+1];

	if ( 0 == $ARGV[$where+1] )
		return -2;
		# yup, do it.. the guts
		my $amount = $ARGV[$where+1];
		my $comment = $ARGV[$where+2];

		print ACCOUNT "#$now\n";
		print ACCOUNT "#$comment\n";
		print ACCOUNT "$amount\n";

	close ACCOUNT;
	return 0;

sub create: create a new account
  return values:
   1 - success
   0 - account already exists, no change
  -1 - too few arguments, needs 2
sub create {
	my $worked;

	if ( ($where+2) > $#ARGV )
		return -1;

	my $acct_name = $ARGV[$where+1];
	my $acct_num = $ARGV[$where+2];

	if (-e ("$account_dir" . "account" . $acct_num))
		$worked = 0;
		open (ACCOUNT, (">$account_dir" . "account" . $acct_num)) or die "couldn't create account file\n";
		open (FUTURE, (">$account_dir" . "future" . $acct_num)) or die "couldn't create future file\n";

		print ACCOUNT "#NAME: $acct_name\n";
		print FUTURE "#NAME: $acct_name\n";

		close ACCOUNT;
		close FUTURE;

		$worked = 1;
	return $worked;

sub futurebalance: determines balance at given future time
  return values:
  -1 - too few arguments, needs 1
  else - the future balance
sub futurebalance {
#FIXME: What if the balance is -1?
	if ( ($where+1) > $#ARGV )
		return -1;

	open (FUTURE, ($account_dir . "future" . $current_acct)) or return 0;

	# date request can be one of two formats
	# either 12 number date or
	# +<days> in the future

	my $rdate;

	if ($ARGV[$where+1] =~ /^\+\d*/)
		my (undef, $plus_days) = split (/\+/, $ARGV[$where+1]);
		$rdate = addDate ($now, $plus_days);
		$rdate = $ARGV[$where+1];

	my $total = balance ();
	my $grabnext = 0;

	while (<FUTURE>)
		if (/^#\d{12}$/)
			my (undef, $cdate) = split (/#/, $_);
			chomp $cdate;
			if ($cdate < $rdate)
				$grabnext = 1; # take the next value to come up
		elsif (/^#/)
			# must be a transaction comment, ignore it
		elsif ($grabnext) # it's not a comment, and we've been told to take next value
			$total += $_;
			$grabnext = 0;

	close FUTURE;
	return $total;

sub futuretrans: applies a transaction at specified future time
  return values:
  -1 - too few arguments, needs three
  -2 - zero-value transaction
  -3 - time specified is not in the future
sub futuretrans {
	if ( ($where+3) > $#ARGV )
		# too few arguments
		return -1;

	if ($credit)
		$ARGV[$where+2] = 1 * $ARGV[$where+2];
		$ARGV[$where+2] = -1 * $ARGV[$where+2];

	open (FUTURE, (">>$account_dir" . "future" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "future" . $current_acct;

	if ( 0 == $ARGV[$where+2] )
		# 0-value transaction
		return -2;
		#may wax roll

		my $date;
		# support +<days> for specifying date
		if ($ARGV[$where+1] =~ /^\+\d*/)
			my (undef, $plus_days) = split (/\+/, $ARGV[$where+1]);
			$date = addDate ($now, $plus_days);
			$date = $ARGV[$where+1];

		my $amount = $ARGV[$where+2];
		my $comment = $ARGV[$where+3];

		if ( $now >= $date )
			# needs to actually be in the future
			return -3;
			#and roll..

			print FUTURE "#$date\n";
			print FUTURE "#$comment\n";
			print FUTURE "$amount\n";

	close FUTURE;
	return 0;

sub update_future: called before working with an account to apply future transactions if they are now passed
sub update_future {
	open (FUTURE, ($account_dir . "future" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: update_future: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "future" . $current_acct;
	open (ACCOUNT, (">>$account_dir" . "account" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: update_future: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "account" . $current_acct;
	open (NEWFUTURE, (">$account_dir" . "newfuture" . $current_acct)) or die "ERROR: update_future: Cannot open file " . $account_dir . "newfuture" . $current_acct;

	my @futures = {}; #we'll build this out of transactions from the ~future~
	my $futures_i = 0;
	my $grab = 0;

	# These are to build the new future file, minus the now-past transactions
	my @nfutures = {};
	my $nfutures_i = 0;
	my $ngrab;

	for (<FUTURE>)

		if ($grab)
			$futures[$futures_i++] = $_;

		if ($ngrab)
			$nfutures[$nfutures_i++] = $_;

		if (/^#\d{12}$/) # our standard date stamp
			my (undef, $date) = split(/#/, $_);

			if ($date <= $now)
				$futures[$futures_i++] = $_;
				$grab = 2; # grab next two lines
				$nfutures[$nfutures_i++] = $_;
				$ngrab = 2;
		elsif (/^#NAME: /)
			$nfutures[$nfutures_i++] = $_;

	for (my $i = 0; $i < $futures_i; $i++) 
		print ACCOUNT "$futures[$i]\n";

	for (my $i = 0; $i < $nfutures_i; $i++)
		print NEWFUTURE "$nfutures[$i]\n";

	close ACCOUNT;
	close FUTURE;

	my $src = ($account_dir . "newfuture" . $current_acct);
	my $trg = ($account_dir . "future" . $current_acct);

	system ("mv -f $src $trg");

sub switch_acct: safety for switching account, give a failure if the account isn't initialized
  return values:
	1 - safe to switch, success
   0 - created account0; won't auto-create any other account
  -1 - account doesn't exist, unsafe
sub switch_acct {
	# check to see this account exists, else fail
	if (!-e ($account_dir . "account" . $current_acct)) # doesn't exist
		# if 0 doesn't exist, create it, calling it default;
		if ( 0 == $current_acct )
			open (ACCOUNT, (">$account_dir" . "account0")) or die "couldn't create account file\n";
			open (FUTURE, (">$account_dir" . "future0")) or die "couldn't create future file\n";

			print ACCOUNT "#NAME: default\n";
			print FUTURE "#NAME: default\n";

			close ACCOUNT;
			close FUTURE;

			return 0;
			# error out
			return -1;
		return 1;

sub addDate: adds a second argument (number of days) to the first argument (a whole 12-digit date)
	accounts for different length months and leap-year, but not leap-leap years (ie 2200)
sub addDate (){
	my ($year, undef) = split (/........$/, $_[0]);
	my (undef, $min) = split (/^..../, $_[0]);
	#$min ends up being just the minutes, so we're calling it that from the beginning.

	my ($month, undef) = split (/......$/, $min);
	(undef, $min) = split (/^../, $min);

	my ($day, undef) = split (/....$/, $min);
	(undef, $min) = split (/^../, $min);

	my ($hour, undef) = split (/..$/, $min);
	(undef, $min) = split (/^../, $min);

	# now, to do some rounding..

	# Let's keep the minutes and hours simple..
	if ($min > 59) {
		$min = 59;
	if ($hour > 23) {
		$hour = 23;

	# months are crazy go nuts..
	my %months = ( 1 => 31,  2 => 28,  3 => 31,
	               4 => 30,  5 => 31,  6 => 30,
   	            7 => 31,  8 => 31,  9 => 30,
      	        10 => 31, 11 => 30, 12 => 31 );

	# Make sure it's all numeric so the hash below works and our comparisons are valid
	$day += ($_[1] * 1); #Oh, and add the days..
	$month *= 1;

	my $leap = 0;

	while ($day > $months{$month}) {
		if ( $month == 2 && (($year % 4) == 0)) {
			if ( 29 == $day )
				$leap = 1;
				$day = 28; # so we don't get stuck in the loop, we'll set it back to 29 later
				$day -= 29;
		else {
			$day -= $months{$month};

		while ($month > 12)
			$month -= 12;

	if ($leap) # we set day to 28 before to pass the loop, but the day is really 29
		$day = 29;

	while ($month > 12)
		$month -= 12;

	if ($year > 9999)
		$year = 9999; # Final sanity check.. or is it?

	$month *= 1; $day *= 1;

	if ($month < 10) {
		$month = "0" . $month;
	if ($day < 10) {
		$day = "0" . $day;

	return $year . $month . $day . $hour . $min;

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